Getting started with the uTorrent WebUI

Getting started with the uTorrent WebUI

n this tutorial I will try to show you how to use the uTorrent webGUI you get with extremeseed. I will show you all the things you need for using uTorrent, from logging in to managing labels and changing your password. I will not go into the advanced settings for fine-tuning every single torrent though. You don’t need this to get great speeds on your seedbox anyway

After you bought your seedbox you should have gotten an e-mail with all your login information. Just open the link to the webGUI and use the username and password you got. You should now see the following page:

As you can see it’s the same as the uTorrent client as the client on your pc, very simple, but effective in downloading whatever torrents you need. There are a couple things you will do:

Adding a torrent

Just click the button at the top left corner and browse to the .torrent file. You can add the specific torrent information here too but just using the .torrent file is way easier so I’d recommend that. After you click ok the torrent will be added to the list.

Adding labels for torrents

You can add a label to torrents so you can keep track of important stuff like where you downloaded it, for who it is (if you share the seedbox with more people or you download it for others and whatever you think is usefull. To do so, right click a torrent and go to label, click new label (see image below) and name it whatever you want. After you added a label you can use it for other torrents too via the label menu.

If you have a lot of torrents running you can use the filter options on the left side of the GUI to filter on labels. So if you share a seedbox you can let it show only your torrents. Off course, as you can see in the screenshot this is also the place where you can pause and stop your torrents. You can also use the buttons at the top left for that.

Removing a torrent

Removing a torrent can also be done by right clicking the torrent. Note that the “remove” button only removes the torrent from the GUI while the “Remove And” option allows you to remove the data. I really advise you to only use the last option. If you just remove it from the GUI you will have to use an FTP client to remove the data and this takes much longer to do. Plus, why remove it from the torrent if you can keep seeding it while the data is still there? Your seedbox has a great connection so just seed and give back what you took. Without seeding there would be no torrents.

Changing your password

This is really simple to do, just open the preferences menu on the left hand corner of the GUI. It’s the button looking like a calculator.  Now it’s very obvious, at the top of the first tab you can change your username and password to anything you want. Just make sure to type it correctly as there is no check, so if you make a typo you will not be able to login again. If this happens, support can help you tough.

You can also enable the guest account here, this will allow your friends to check the progress on the torrents without giving them any rights to manage them. They will be able to see the basic screen but can’t open any menu or right click the torrents. I would advise changing the username here just to make it harder for unwanted people to guess the username.

Now, these are the basic things you can do in the uTorrent webGUI. You could check the preferences menu to see other things you can change, but for most of the things, just leave them as they are. Tweaking the settings for little better speed is not really needed on your seedbox anyway.

I hope this small tutorial helped you to get started. If you still have questions about using uTorrent, just visit the forums and ask the question there. Or go to MSN / live support chat and get help that way.


Article Provided by Lex Sietses

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